Annandale Medical Practice 26 Huntingdon Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AT | Tel: 0131 556 8196

New Patients

Register With The Practice

From 04.08.24 we are participating in an exciting pilot around patient registrations. During the pilot we are accepting electronic registrations. If you would like to register with us and are residing in our practice boundary please click the button below to sign up. Once you have signed up to get  user name and password you will be able to complete all the required information on line.

This registration process will remove the need for collection, completion and return of paper forms, but we will require photo ID and proof of registration to be brought to your first appointment.

If you need to register with a practice urgently and there is a reason that you are unable to complete the online process, please phone reception for further advice.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

We only Process 20 registration per week, this is so we can continue to manage patients demand and provide a quality service.