Annandale Medical Practice 26 Huntingdon Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AT | Tel: 0131 556 8196


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The Winter Vaccination Programme will start in September 2021

You can find out if you’re in a priority group eligible for a flu vaccine on NHS Inform.

From now on, GP practices will not administer the Flu jab. Across Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships are taking on this role in line with the GP Contract agreed by BMA Scotland on behalf of Scottish GPs. This change has been agreed to relieve pressure on GP practices. As a result your local practice will not offer any flu vaccinations or handle any booking queries for people in eligible groups.

  • you will not get your vaccine at your GP surgery
  • you will get your vaccine at a clinic set up to vaccinate large numbers of people quickly
  • you will have a pre-booked appointment or be invited to make a booking at a vaccination clinic.

If you have received a letter and need to rearrange your appointment please phone the national helpline 0800 030 8013 or the local number on 0300 790 6296

or visit

If you are housebound please dont worry you will be visited at home so long as the practice have you recorded as being unable to get out of the house.

If your child has missed their flu vaccination at school, please phone 0131 446 4082 after 1st October 2021.

All eligible 2-5 year olds should receive an appointment from SIRS and on that letter there is a contact number if the appointment is not suitable 0131 659 2920. The Edinburgh Vaccination Team are calling the at risk children to arrange an appointment at one of their routine clinics so they will not receive an appointment letter.

Please do not phone the practice as we do not have any additional information for the moment.

Please keep an eye on our website or NHS Inform.